Troutpassion: My thought’s about the trout 2012-10-18 11:08 - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Troutpassion: My thought’s about the trout 2012-10-18 11:08

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  • Troutpassion: My thought’s about the trout 2012-10-18 11:08

    All fishermen is different, I got that very clear this summer. Some just want to do their thing while others are in constant search for a record or brag about their catch and some, they just want to catch some big fishes.
    There is something special about trouts, no question about that. All of us fly fishermen has sometime used a nymph or a dryfly, wich is damn fun. The trouts has no problem to eat insects through it’s entire life, but something happends on it’s way, when it get’s bigger. In the beginning state of a trout, or any fish, it first has to eat food that even the insects eat. When it grows a little bit bigger it starts to eat the insects and then it starts to eat fish combined with insects. In some places, where other creatures in huge numbers grow, mices or crayfish for example could be the main meal for the trout.
    You see, the trout want’s to spend as little energy on it’s intake of food as it get’s. To just stand in the river eating insect’s is a wast of energy in it’s proportions to the meal. It spend more then what it get’s back. Look at it in the same way as your economy. If you spend more then what you have – you get ruind and broke. When the trout is big enough it moves to the sea or lakes closeby, this is because it has to change it’s foodhabit from insects to fish.
    For us who is trying to catch this huge monster trout we have to follow the trout’s chois of food. Sure, there are many examples of massive fishes who’s been caught on a nymph or dryflie. BUT! We can maximise the chanses of getting one hooked by using bigger, fish-look-a-likes streamers or tubes. I know this way is cheating or a “nono” to do for many. People are spending their entire life of getting that big trout on a dryflie. I say, think again an be a little more flexible. All of us fly fishermen use equipment who is almost the same, it feels about the same to catch a fish and the reel is doing the same job even if it’s a streamer or a nymph.
    If you want to catch bigger fishes more often, change from that old habit called dryflie and use a tube instead

    Tagged: fishing, fly fishing, trout, trout fishing

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