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  • #11
    Ursprungligen postat av Golden
    Nybörjar fråga... Var får man tag i hampa... Det är väl en växt??? Köper man eller plockar den
    Har hört att man kan använda sig utav, hönsfoder / majsfoder eller nått också... stämmer?
    Granngården har det du söker, hampa finns också i lösvikt på hornbach


    • #12
      Att braxen är den häftigaste fisken att fiska efter tycker faktiskt alla här på fiskesnack. Det finns en gammal Poll här i forumen som bekräftar det
      Senast ändrad av Quivertip; 2006-05-18, 06:59.


      • #13
        Jag kan lova att braxen i strömmande vatten kampar rätt rejält. Så snackat att braxen är en tråkig fisk att fiska med hänseende på kamp kan man nog skjuta åt sidan. Det är bra rulle på dom i strömt. Jag tycker den är fruktansvärt kul att fiska efter.
        Den som har flest prylar när han dör vinner!


        • #14
          Initial first run can be somewhat aggressive but then its often like winding in a old ICA kasse, in running water all they do is turn there flank into the current, like a old ICA kasse full with water!
          The action on my avon rod will take the wind out of a average bream in oooh about 30sec flat, then Im left with a revolting slimy helpless excuse for a fish to unhook and return.

          This not a slur on the god name of bream anglers or bream in general just a personal observation!

          I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

          - John Gierach


          • #15
            Men gör som jag då och kör med lite lättare grejjer. Det ger lite extra krydda i fajterna för mig i alla fall!
            Jag har nog aldrig upplevt ica-kasse-syndromet, kanske för att jag mest fiskar braxen i strömmande vatten på våren och dom jag får har en snittvikt på strax över 1,5 kg. Det blir kanske lite annat stuk på drillningarna om man kör sommarfiske i varmare då ligger jag på stranden och svettas.
            Den som har flest prylar när han dör vinner!


            • #16
              Ursprungligen postat av MeanMachine
              Men gör som jag då och kör med lite lättare grejjer. Det ger lite extra krydda i fajterna för mig i alla fall!
              Jag har nog aldrig upplevt ica-kasse-syndromet, kanske för att jag mest fiskar braxen i strömmande vatten på våren och dom jag får har en snittvikt på strax över 1,5 kg. Det blir kanske lite annat stuk på drillningarna om man kör sommarfiske i varmare då ligger jag på stranden och svettas.

              Of course there great sport on lighter tackle, I’m just bitter! I’ve become an accidental bream expert this year! First my attempts this year to catch id where hijacked by bream and now my carp fishing also hijacked by bream!
              I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

              - John Gierach


              • #17
                "Bream are nearly comatose" "Bream smells like manure" Chris Yates (citat efter bästa förmåga ur minnet, säkerligen inte helt rätt, men fångar tankemeningen).
                "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep" Alexander Pope 1709


                • #18
                  Ursprungligen postat av limnos
                  "Bream are nearly comatose" "Bream smells like manure" Chris Yates (citat efter bästa förmåga ur minnet, säkerligen inte helt rätt, men fångar tankemeningen).

                  “yet the French esteem this Fish highly, and to that end have this Proverb, He that hath Breams in his pond is able to bid his friend welcome. And it is noted, that the best part of a Breame is his belly and head.”

                  The compleat angler by Izaac Walton. Not alot has changed since then!

                  Of course the French would have to like the bream, after all its the Frenchman of fishes is it not! Slimy, horny as hell, and when not copulating its eating! And smells bad!
                  I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

                  - John Gierach


                  • #19
                    Ursprungligen postat av Waterlog

                    “yet the French esteem this Fish highly, and to that end have this Proverb, He that hath Breams in his pond is able to bid his friend welcome. And it is noted, that the best part of a Breame is his belly and head.”

                    The compleat angler by Izaac Walton. Not alot has changed since then!

                    Of course the French would have to like the bream, after all its the Frenchman of fishes is it not! Slimy, horny as hell, and when not copulating its eating! And smells bad!
                    And of course cant fight to save there own life!!
                    I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

                    - John Gierach


                    • #20
                      Ursprungligen postat av Waterlog
                      Of course the French would have to like the bream, after all its the Frenchman of fishes is it not! Slimy, horny as hell, and when not copulating its eating! And smells bad!

                      Hehehehahahahaha the truth of the day!!!






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