Inte mycket som går upp mot lite trevligt UL-fiske!!
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Vilket fiske är roligast?
Allt fiske är roligast...
Måste jag peka ut ett som är roligast av alla så är det absolut ytfiske med Poppers eller liknade efter gädda och abborre.
Adrenalinkkicken när man ser vågen efter fisken när den far fram i ytskiktet emot Poppern eller när gäddan kastar sig över Poppern underifrån och hela gäddan är ovanför ytan är något som inget annat fiske kan erbjuda här i Sverige.
//Tantor[FONT=Verdana]><(((*> Bara döda fiskar flyter med strömmen ><(((*>[/FONT]
Roligaste fiskefomen tycker jag är ytfiske med små- spooks, jerks, swimbaits, poppers eller mjuka beten med gömd krok. Känslan är fantastisk när man får trixa sig fram mellan näckrosor och dyl och sedan se när fisken tar betet.
Men den absolut bästa fiskeupplevelsen är under sommaren och man är på landet och pendlar in till stan och jobb. En vanlig jobb-vardag, tidig morgon, ut på bryggan, dimman börjar sakta lätta från sjön, man kastar en liten stund, morgondopp och sedan bilen in till stan. Världsklass!
Although, lure fishing for pike, with top water lures and jerkbaits is one hell of adrenalin kick, stalking carp with simple and uncomplicated tackle has to be my number one choice. A typical evenings carp fishing would be something this this.
I wonder round the lake on a calm summer evening with only the bear essentials for tackle, trusty old stalking rod and centrepin reel, net and shoulder bag. There’s know need for a truck load of tackle, and the paraphernalia of the modern carp fisherman, I shall be setting the hook myself, not relying on a hi-tech rig to do the fishing for me, or an electric alarm signalling me when its time to leave my bivvy and wind in my all ready hooked prize for its publicity shots and weigh in.
There’s nice looking spot between fallen tree and some marginal reed mace. The breeze starts to drop as I throw a few handfuls of magic beans in this tight weed choked arena. Magic beans you ask? Well humble mix of black eye beans chickpeas, but they never fail to summon cyprinus carpio for a worthy evening’s bout of pitted wits, broken hearts and occasional success.
For such close quarters warfare I take off the shot and goose quill float, and opt for a free lined approach. I tear off large chunk of luncheon meat, and embed my size four hook, only the barb visible; I take the check from the reel and attempt a text book under arm flick, the bait lands with precision, and sinks slowly, coming to rest on a bed of magic beans.
As I sit back from the waters edge I’m hunched over the rod like an old heron.
Staring into the murky water as the light fades, is starting to play tricks on my eyes, everything under the surface is interpreted as some kind of fishy movement, until that sudden moment, from out of know where that large familiar silhouette, almost submarine like, in appearance, glides over the free offerings, the line shakes and trembles.
My heart is pounding; my right hand is hovering over the rod as she up ends. Head down, tail up, the water seems to boil from the paddle like motion of her fins, plumes of sediment rise, as does the old blood pressure. Nothing else in the world matters right now! My right hand creeps around the back of the reel, my thumb is pressing tight on the rim of spool, and the left hand is now ready and waiting to offer additional support.
The line flickers like candle flame, the delicate flicker becomes a jagged pluck. The timing of the strike is judged by some guiding force of partly experience, partly intuition. In a split second all hell brakes loose, rod tip goes one way, and carp the other. The water erupts in a mass of spray; the silence is shattered with the scream of the reel, as the first run is subdued with a rather warm thumb, she then dives for the sunken tree, but the six foot 2lb tc blank makes light work of persuading her otherwise, the rod is hopped round both hands on the reel. By the grace of god the hook holds under the pressure, she makes one last bid for freedom I try and savour the sweet music as I turn her with care, heads above water and I reach for the net. She’s a size medium mirror carp, know need to weigh her, not even sure I my brought my scales this evening! She’s unhooked and returned with out fuss. Its only half past nine, so there’s plenty of time go for a wander and have a angle in another likely looking spot.
/William..Senast ändrad av Shanghai Lilly; 2006-02-26, 12:14.I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.
- John Gierach
Första riktigt fina vårdagen på våren, första dagen då solen spricker igenom med full kraft så plaggen ryker av är en personlig favorit. Även isfiske just dessa dagar med stekande sol är helt ok.
Men främst av allt kmr nog klippfisket efter Bergylta i skinande solsken, en lagom vind kyler så man slipper svettas och Bergyltorna nappar lika hårt som vanligtsigpic
av HejtjofluxenHejsan!
Mitt ex lämnade kvar detta spö i min garderob för över två år sen och verkar inte...4 Foton-
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av Classe69Hej på er mina vänner :-)
Imorgon skall jag och mina Sambo köra Norröver och hälsa på Släktingar...1 Foto-
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2024-07-23, 10:42 -
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