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Finsk Kala***ko!

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  • Finsk Kala***ko!


    appr.1 kg European cisco/perch , small pieces
    650 gram pork, sliced into strips like bacon, but about 1 cm. thick (pork is already salted)


    2½ cup water
    4 teaspoon salt
    3¼ cup rye flour (sifted)
    15 gr yeast (2 standard -packages)
    1¾ cup wheat flour

    Clean the fish, removing fins, large scales and entrails. You may leave the heads if you dare to eat them.

    Mix the flours and salt. Add the yeast to the water. When the yeast is fully dissolved, make a thick dough by pouring flour mixture into water and blending well. The ratio of flour to water depends on the nature of the flours. This ratio of 1:2 by volume works well in Finland with Finnish flours. Where flours contain more gluten you should use slightly less water.

    Set aside about 4 teaspoon of dough to be used later. Roll out the remaining dough into a circular shape about 2 cm thick.

    Assemble the meats into the dough: cover the inner half of the dough circle with half of the pork (the pork should cover a circle about half the diameter of the rolled dough). Then put all of the fish on top of the pork, and add allspice and extra salt if you are using them. Finish with the second half of the pork.

    Preheat the oven at 250°C. Lift the edges of the dough all around the filling and glue together with a little water so that you have the filling surrounded from all directions with about 2 cm-thick dough. Put upside down (the seam downwards) on a baking sheet and let it rise about half an hour at room temperature.

    Put the kala***ko in a 250°C. oven for long enough to brown the dough, which will seal it against moisture. Then lower the temperature to about 125°C and let it bake for 4 to 7 hours depending on the size of the fish (bigger fish need more cooking time). You can brush some melted butter over the top of the dough just after lowering the temperature; this will give it a prettier appearance. If it starts to leak while baking, fill holes with the dough which was set aside.

    Serve hot or cold.

  • #2
    Jasså då blir det censur! Kalak-u-kko skall det vara!


    • #3
      Hyyvä on, kyllä!
      Må vi alla ha ett intressant fiske!


      • #4
        kala***ko är ju så sjukt gott.


        • #5
          Vissa gör dem även med kålrot! Men med fisk är den bäst! Mumma!


          • #6
            tycker ni det där ser gott ut?


            • #7
              Hur den ser ut har väl ingenting med smaken att göra?

              Det finns mycket som inte ser gott ut men är kanon smarrigt!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Stizo
                Hur den ser ut har väl ingenting med smaken att göra?

                Det finns mycket som inte ser gott ut men är kanon smarrigt!

                fråga bara gindpalm, om han inte vet det än så lär han snart göra det.

                Brokeback Fishing Team




                • #9
                  hehe maggots lär ju smaka illa oavsett hur goda dem ser ut!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stizo
                    hehe maggots lär ju smaka illa oavsett hur goda dem ser ut!

                    ja, visst är det svårt att låta bli att ta sig en munfull när man tittar ner i burken?
                    det måste vara höjen av effektivitet, när bete och matsäck är samma sak.

                    Brokeback Fishing Team






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