Hi guys!
Time to share a new report from last Saturday. I went out fishing together with my colleague and recent Swedish Sportfish Masters winner, Willy. Weather looked okey with cloudy sky, slow winds from west and a few degrees in the air. Unfortunately, pikes wasn't in mode for dancing this day. We went far west of Dragsö and tried several areas where we normally have potential to catch big fish and numbers. Well, this day we caught neither of it.
When we arrived to the first bay we discovered that the water was very cold. Earlier last week there was a few nights with night temperatures down to -6 degrees and this created a layer of ice once again in many bays. Unfortunately, ice was still covering some bays when we tried our luck this time. It took us several hours to catch the first fish and it was Willy who managed to fool the first pike. It wasn't big but still the first fish and an important catch for our confidence.
Suddenly, we started to have followers on more or less every cast and it felt pretty good. We drifted over 1m of water and caught a few more pikes in the same area. Willy caught the biggest fish of the day which measured just under 90cm. After some time, we decided to go to new areas but this didn't help. Many of the areas we were about to try wasn't possible to fish at thanks to a 1cm layer of ice. Since fishing was rather slow overall, we decided to go back to Dragsö about 14:00 already. In total we caught six pikes and most of them on Wolf tail jr.
All of our boats are now finally out from the water and some of them at Nättraby Marin for mounting of new engines and also for general service. Good thing is that all boats will be serviced and ready when spring comes to us so we can just push the boats into the water when it's possible to do so in February/March.
Hopefully I will have a couple of more days on the water before the end of this year. Last chance to catch a christmas pig before vacay!
// Daniel Wickman
Time to share a new report from last Saturday. I went out fishing together with my colleague and recent Swedish Sportfish Masters winner, Willy. Weather looked okey with cloudy sky, slow winds from west and a few degrees in the air. Unfortunately, pikes wasn't in mode for dancing this day. We went far west of Dragsö and tried several areas where we normally have potential to catch big fish and numbers. Well, this day we caught neither of it.
When we arrived to the first bay we discovered that the water was very cold. Earlier last week there was a few nights with night temperatures down to -6 degrees and this created a layer of ice once again in many bays. Unfortunately, ice was still covering some bays when we tried our luck this time. It took us several hours to catch the first fish and it was Willy who managed to fool the first pike. It wasn't big but still the first fish and an important catch for our confidence.
Suddenly, we started to have followers on more or less every cast and it felt pretty good. We drifted over 1m of water and caught a few more pikes in the same area. Willy caught the biggest fish of the day which measured just under 90cm. After some time, we decided to go to new areas but this didn't help. Many of the areas we were about to try wasn't possible to fish at thanks to a 1cm layer of ice. Since fishing was rather slow overall, we decided to go back to Dragsö about 14:00 already. In total we caught six pikes and most of them on Wolf tail jr.
All of our boats are now finally out from the water and some of them at Nättraby Marin for mounting of new engines and also for general service. Good thing is that all boats will be serviced and ready when spring comes to us so we can just push the boats into the water when it's possible to do so in February/March.
Hopefully I will have a couple of more days on the water before the end of this year. Last chance to catch a christmas pig before vacay!
// Daniel Wickman

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