Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #2 2015 - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #2 2015

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  • Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #2 2015

    Hi guys,

    Time for another pike safari update! Earlier tonight we finished our second pike safari of this summer and we did it in stunning weather. All day sun and low winds from south. Good conditions for sun bathing and ice cream eating. 24 degrees, no clouds. I know a few who will wake up with red noses tomorrow! But for pike fishing? Well as you might know it maybe isn't the best conditions but sometimes fishing shows up to be the complete opposite.....

    With only 14 participants I decided to go to a smaller area than previous week. Since we were no more than 4 boats we got plenty of space to fish around Haglö/Varö island a bit west of Dragsö.

    In my boat german guest Jürgen joined in as well as Ingvar with his daughter for their 104th (!) pike safari. We managed to catch 5 pikes during first hour and lost a few ones.

    We gathered up and continued on to the islands just south of the city called Kobebus and Bergaholmarna. It wasn't to successful since my boat only caught 1 more pike there and the other boats seemed to have low numbers also.

    Back at Dragsö we summed up our results during the evening. In total we managed to catch 14 pikes in total with the biggest fish measuring 64 cm. Winner fish was caught on a motoroil Relax 6'' by me on the first site so all guests in the boat was rewarded with winner caps!

    Upcoming days looks to be very warm and sunny so it won't be any fishing on my schedule upcoming days... Sunday & Monday will be my days off work so then it will be some time spent in the hunt for summer mamas

    Until next time, stay well and enjoy the sun!

    // Daniel Wickman

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