Kinetic Fishing: Big Bob – new halibut video - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Kinetic Fishing: Big Bob – new halibut video

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  • Kinetic Fishing: Big Bob – new halibut video

    Jimmy Andersson holding a nice halibut caught on speed jigging equipment and a Big Bob jig

    Speed jigging equipment is usually related to tropical waters, but as this new, short video shows it can also be used for halibut fishing. When testing a new possible sea fishing destination in northern Norway earlier this year, Jimmy Andersson from Nordic Sea Angling was using a Edge speed jigging rod and a TiCA Talisman reel. Using this small but powerful set-up he was able to catch, fight and land halibuts while fishing a Magic Minnow Big Bob jig in traditional “halibut style”. No high speed retrieve – just slow jigging movements near and above the bottom.The water was still very cold during the short test fishing trip in May, but besides the halibut on the video three other halibuts and several large cods were caught. All of the biggest fish were caught on Big Bob jigs.
    See the video:
    If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:
    Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby*Direct: +45 22 12 76 70Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00E-mail:

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